Source: GlobalData's 2017 Q1 global consumer survey

Hectic lifestyles, social pressures and even the detrimental effects of technology (social media and being “always on”) are leading to less – and lower quality – sleep among today’s youth, who in turn are likely to resort to energy products to ‘top up’ their energy. Today’s millennials are expressing higher levels of concern about tiredness/fatigue compared to the boomer generation.

According to GlobalData consumer research from 2017 Q1, more than four in five millennials (81%) globally say they are concerned about tiredness/fatigue, compared to around two-thirds (67%) of boomers. A significantly high proportion of the younger generation also admit to buying products to address this concern already or would consider buying products in future to combat tiredness/fatigue – 24% of millennials globally say they are concerned about tiredness/fatigue and already buy products to address this, with a further 34% saying that they will consider buying such products in future, according to Globaldata’s 2017 Q1 global consumer research.

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