Oracle Retail has unveiled the new Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service, which is designed to enable the retailers to centralise all back-office store operations.

The service can eliminate the need for the retailer to invest in data centres and offer a faster implementation timeline.

An update to the Oracle Retail Omnichannel Suite of solutions, Retail Xstore Office is capable of creating a more responsive business model in accordance with the changing consumer preferences.

In addition, the retailers can use Cloud solutions while maintaining on-premise point-of-service functions using Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service.

“Customers can benefit from a continuous cadence of innovation that enables lower their total cost of ownership through centralised services and store operations.”

Oracle Retail vice-president Jeff Warren said: “Historically, retailers have been slow to upgrade their POS solutions, often waiting five-seven years before considering an upgrade, which has thwarted their ability to keep pace and provide a dynamic, engaging experience to their customers.

“By moving Xstore back office to the Cloud, customers can benefit from a continuous cadence of innovation that enables lower their total cost of ownership through centralised services and store operations.”

Oracle Retail further noted that its Xstore point-of-service (POS) is used by entities in more than 83 countries and is part of the Retail Omnichannel Suite.

The Xstore POS is pre-integrated with a number of Cloud services such as Oracle Retail Customer Engagement, Oracle Retail Order Management, Oracle Retail XBRi Loss Prevention and others.

Oracle Retail has upgraded the Retail Omnichannel Portfolio of Solutions and Cloud Services to include 64 new solutions to offer retailers with improved mobility and additional benefits.

The upgrade also includes the addition of radio-frequency identification (RFID) and solutions to better handle customer experiences, enable easier workflow among others.