Larsen and Bowman paid a $100,000 installment on 2 July 2013, by promissory note, and a payment of $650,000 will be paid on 31 July 2013, and the remaining $500,000 is payable in specified installments over a four year period.

Kid Brands current operating subsidiaries consist of: Kids Line; LaJobi; Sassy; and CoCaLo.

Through these wholly-owned subsidiaries, Kid Brands designs markets products in a number of categories, including infant bedding and related nursery accessories and décor and nursery appliances; nursery furniture and related products.

It also offers developmental toys and feeding, bath and baby care items with features that address the various stages of an infant’s early years, including the recently acquired Kokopax line of baby gear products (Sassy).

The company also markets certain categories of products under various licenses, including Carter’s, Disney, Graco and Sert.