Natural Grocers, an American natural and organic products retailer, plans to shut two stores in Dallas-Fort Worth area, Texas after careful consideration of each store’s performance.

The retail company noted that it is working with its good4u crew members, who will be affected by the closures, to identify transfer opportunities to other stores.

It added that other impacted crew members will be offered a transition package, including severance and benefits.

Closures are planned to take place on 27 June 2023 while store-wide closing sales will begin on 15 May 2023.

Natural Grocers co-president Kemper Isely said: “We made the difficult decision to close two lower-performing stores, Fort Worth-North and Coppell.

“We remain committed to serving the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and believe that our neighbouring stores will continue to provide these communities the world-class customer service, quality and affordability for which Natural Grocers is known.”

Located in Fort Worth-North and Coppell, the two outlets are part of 25-store network that Natural Grocers operates in Texas.

The retail firm’s decision to shutter its two stores is said to have been taken after considering the stores performance and outlines Natural Grocers commitment to improve operating efficiencies across its store base.

Natural Grocers said that it currently has no plans to close any additional stores.

Established in 1955, Natural Grocers is a specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries as well as body care products, and dietary supplements. It currently operates 166 stores in 21 states across the US.