Lidl Great Britain (GB) has unveiled plans to enhance animal welfare standards for its own-label fresh chickens. The move aims to reinforce the company’s commitment to ethical sourcing and quality.

Collaborating with its suppliers, Lidl will increase the space allocated to its own-label fresh chickens by 20% above the industry standard.

Transition set to begin mid-2024

Starting mid-2024, the transition will see the maximum stocking density reduced to 30kg/m², a significant welfare measure impacting the living conditions of the birds.

The process is scheduled to be completed by early 2025.

By providing chickens with more space, they can engage in natural behaviours such as stretching their wings, dust-bathing, and exploring.

This enhancement aims to improve the physical and psychological well-being of the birds, leading to more fulfilling lives.

Supporting suppliers through investment

Lidl GB plans to support its suppliers throughout the transition by increasing investment and providing long-term contracts.

This initiative aims to ensure the success of suppliers, offering them security and confidence to invest in their future.

The company says its free-range Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Assured chicken surpasses the requirements of the Better Chicken Commitment, stating that it underscores its dedication to ethical sourcing and providing customers with quality products.