Turkish e-commerce platform D-MARKET Electronic Services & Trading (Hepsiburada) has begun trialling an offline shopping concept, Hepsiburada Smart by MIMEX.

The store features the Micro Market Experience (MIMEX) smart store concept, which Hepsiburada developed alongside Spindox-Italy, Cefla-Italy, Metrica6-Spain and Fondazione Bruno Kessler-Italy.

Hepsiburada Smart uses artificial intelligence (AI), image processing and digital weight sensors to perform all purchase transactions.

The concept of ‘pick and go’ with no physical payment point is intended to offer an enhanced customer shopping experience.

When entering the store, customers will need to scan a QR code on the kiosk located at the store entrance, choose their products and leave without having to stand in a checkout queue.

Hepsiburada said that products selected are instantly added to the virtual cart in the application, while those left behind are removed from the cart.

The retailer said the entire shopping process can be completed in seconds, providing an easy, fast and frictionless shopping experience for customers.

Hepsiburada CEO Murat Emirdağ said: “We are proud to continue representing Türkiye in the global technology arena with innovation and transforming the way our customers are able to shop.

“The launch of Hepsiburada Smart is a great testament to our vision of leading digitalisation of commerce.

“Our research and development (R&D) teams will continue to develop these kinds of innovative projects by combining their expertise with internal partnerships and drive innovation in the smart retail sector.”

Hepsiburada received around €2.2m ($2.2m) from the European Commission within the scope of Horizon 2020 to support the pilot project’s launch.

The company plans to open Hepsiburada Smart to customers at Trump Mall in İstanbul in January.

Earlier this year, Aldi opened its first checkout-free concept store in Greenwich, UK, for public trials.