E-commerce giant Amazon has reached an agreement with the majority of its workers in Spain, averting a series of planned one-hour strikes on Cyber Monday 2023, Reuters has reported, citing trade union CCOO.

Around 20,000 warehouse and delivery workers at the retailer’s local unit were set to join the protest. Cyber Monday is considered an important day for retailers to boost Christmas gift-buying.

Workers have been demanding better pay and safer working conditions.

CCOO leader Douglas Harper had stated that 5,000 Amazon delivery workers were not satisfied with the company’s proposal and would strike for the last hour of their shifts.

An Amazon e-mail quoted by Reuters stated: “The vast majority of our teams will continue to work as normal and there will be no impact on operations for our customers.

“We are proud of the wages, benefits and safer working conditions that will be provided to our employees in Spain.”

The company has also given assurances of the timely deliveries of customers’ Black Friday orders.

CCOO will continue negotiations with Amazon to improve pay and conditions at the local unit.

Members of the German trade union Ver.di at five Amazon distribution centres had decided to go on an all-day strike on Black Friday (24 November 2023).

More than 200 Amazon workers in England launched a strike on the same day at Amazon’s warehouse in Coventry as part of a long-running dispute over pay.

More than 60% of workers at Amazon’s warehouse in Castel San Giovanni, Spain, were also on strike on Black Friday.