E-commerce retailer Amazon has revealed plans to expand its Amazon Care on-demand healthcare service across the US.

Amazon Care is designed to offer Amazon employees and their families immediate access to high-quality medical care.

Launched in September 2019, the service offers virtual care via a mobile app and can also dispatch medical professionals to patients’ homes for in-person care.

The app, which is available for Android and iOS, lets employees and their families connect with medical professionals via chat or video conference in less than 60 seconds.

Until now, only Amazon employees and their families in Washington state have had access to Amazon Care.

With this expansion, the service will be made available to other Washington-based companies.

Over the coming months, companies and Amazon employees across all 50 states will be able to use Amazon Care. The in-person service will also be extended to Washington DC, Baltimore and other cities across the country.

The expansion plans follow a successful trial programme in Seattle.

Kimberly Kulesh, who participated in the trial, said: “Going to a doctor’s appointment is rarely convenient, from sitting in traffic to waiting in the office and then having to get home again.

“This makes an uncomfortable process even more challenging. With the old approach to healthcare, I often ended up taking more time off from work than I had planned, even for a routine check-up.

“This is not the case with Amazon Care. I love this service. I was scared to go to a doctor’s office to get my flu shot this year, so I scheduled an in-home appointment. It couldn’t have been easier or more convenient.

“A friendly nurse came to my house right on time, which meant I could do whatever I wanted right up until the last minute. I’ll never do my medical appointments any other way.”

Last week, Amazon was ordered to close a facility in Ontario, Canada, to control a Covid-19 outbreak.