Supermarket chain Aldi has revealed plans to open five new stores across the UK in the coming weeks.
This month, the retailer will open new locations in Southampton and Whittlesey, followed by three more in Norwich, Castle Donington and Porthcawl early next month.
According to Aldi, the proposed openings align with its commitment to invest more than £400m in its store operations this year.
The new stores will generate approximately 40 new jobs for local communities.
The retailer pays its store assistants up to £11 nationally and £12.45 inside the M25. Starting next month, the figures will rise to £11.40 and £12.85 respectively, including paid breaks.
Aldi UK real estate director George Brown said: “Demand for Aldi has never been higher and more than two-thirds of British households already shop with us.
“However, there are still too many people for whom shopping at Aldi isn’t a convenient option and we’re committed to changing that, giving even more people access to our award-winning products at unbeatable prices.
“To meet that demand, we are investing in new stores up and down the country and won’t stop until we’ve made quality, affordable food accessible to everyone.”
Aldi currently has a network of 995 UK stores.
In February this year, the retailer revealed plans to hire more than 6,000 people across the UK in 2023 after a successful Christmas period.