Using research from GlobalData’s Influencer platform, Retail Insight Network has named ten of the most influential people and companies in retail fashion on Twitter during Q2 2021.

Biggest influencers in retail fashion: The top ten in Q2 2021

1. Neil Saunders (@NeilRetail)

Neil Saunders is the managing director of GlobalData Retail (formerly Conlumino), a retail research agency and consulting firm. As a retail analyst and consultant, he analyses everything in retail, including market forecasts, retail strategies, consumer behaviour, brand preferences, stores, and channel dynamics.

Saunders is also an advisory board member for the faculty of business and law at the University of Southampton and a visiting fellow at the University of Surrey.

Twitter followers: 22,735

GlobalData influencer score: 71

 2. Christine Bygrave (@christinebygrav)

Christine Bygrave is a bohemian jewellery artist who sells her handcrafted and vintage collections through the BOHO spirit shop on Etsy, an online marketplace that allows users to buy and sell handmade and unique items.

Bygrave has been designing jewellery for more than ten years and makes each item by hand.

Twitter followers: 12,629

GlobalData influencer score: 68

 3. Fashion for Good (@FashionforGood)

Fashion for Good is an innovation platform that promotes clean energy, reuse and recycling methods, and providing favourable working conditions in the fashion industry. The innovation platform allows innovators to scale new models and technologies by providing support and funding through key programmes including the Accelerator, Good Fashion Fund, and the Scaling Programme.

The platform’s Innovation Hub located in Amsterdam helps to bring together the community of brands, retailers, suppliers, non-profit organisations, funders, producers, and innovators who are working towards creating products that are more sustainable and environment friendly.

Twitter followers: 19,788

GlobalData influencer score: 66

 4. Elizabeth Paton (@LizziePaton)

Elizabeth Paton is an international styles correspondent with The New York Times, an American daily newspaper. She covers information and events related to the luxury and fashion sectors in the European region, including the Fashion Week from Paris, London, and Milan. Her areas of expertise include sustainability, technology, and business.

Paton has worked with other newspaper dailies such as the Financial Times and The Sunday Times prior to The New York Times.

Twitter followers: 14,653

GlobalData influencer score: 55

 5. Hilary Alexander (@HilaryAlexander)

Hilary Alexander is the president of the Graduate Fashion Foundation, the charitable organisation behind the Graduate Fashion Week, which was formed in 1991 to mentor and support new talent and fashion graduates. She was the former fashion director of the Daily Telegraph, also known as The Telegraph, a British daily newspaper published by the Telegraph Media Group in London and circulated both in the UK and overseas.

Alexander is also a roving editor of the Hello Fashion monthly magazine and works as a freelance broadcaster and stylist.

Twitter followers: 253,981

GlobalData influencer score: 54

 6. FashNerd (@FashNerd)

FashNerd is a digital magazine that focuses on wearables and fashion technology. The magazine was co-founded by Muchaneta Kapfunde and Mano ten Napel who are experts in wearables and involved in supporting fashion and technology brands.

The digital magazine offers in-depth news and content on fashion tech and caters to those interested in technology, fashion, wearables, and the internet of things (IoT).

Twitter followers: 61,910

GlobalData influencer score: 51

 7. Vanessa Friedman (@VVFriedman)

Vanessa Friedman is the fashion director and chief fashion critic at The New York Times and the New York Times International Edition. She also worked as a fashion editor for the Financial Times, a daily newspaper with print and digital version. She is known for her sharp commentaries on fashion and its impact on society.

Prior to Financial Times, Friedman worked in various capacities such as a fashion features editor at Instyle, a monthly women’s beauty and fashion magazine, and as a roving editor for US Elle, a beauty, health, entertainment, and fashion magazine.

Twitter followers: 165,284

GlobalData influencer score: 46

 8. Andrey Golub (@aVg)

Andrey Golub currently serves as general manager, Italy of the ICOL Group, a group of companies specialising in industrial automation, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and fashion tech.

Golub is also the CEO and co-founder of ELSE Corp, a virtual retail and AI design company based in Italy that caters to the virtual commerce, product customisation, order generation, and virtual fitting needs of fashion brands, retailers, and designers.

Twitter followers: 11,270

GlobalData influencer score: 44

9. Nina Garcia (@ninagarcia)

Nina Garcia is the editor-in-chief of Elle, and a judge for the Project Runway reality TV series revolving around design and fashion. She has worked with fashion magazines for 20 years as well as works as a style expert for programmes such as The View, Good Morning America and CNN.

Garcia has also been associated as a creative director for Marie Claire, a French-British global magazine focused on women and other global issues.

Twitter followers: 3,135,459

GlobalData influencer score: 42

10. Orsola de Castro (@orsoladecastro)

Orsola de Castro is the co-creator and director of Fashion Revolution, a non-profit fashion activism movement involving 100 countries that focuses on sustainable fashion, transparency in fashion, social media, environment, and social change issues. Daughter to a Venetian artist, de Castro also co-founded Estethica, which promotes sustainable fashion at the London Fashion Week.

She also founded an organisation called Reclaim To Wear together with her partner Filippo Ricci in 2011. The organisation focuses on creating upcycled products and solutions that are produced from excess fabrics, stock, and defective materials to enhance their usage.

Twitter followers: 14,757

GlobalData influencer score: 41


GlobalData’s influencer identification framework identifies influencers based on relevance; size of network, connections and followers; engagement levels with their content and analysis and input from sector experts. Influencers are then evaluated on a series of specific topic-related keywords used over the period and weighted by engagement metrics.