Transform SR Brands had eight patents in ecommerce during Q2 2024. Transform SR Brands LLC has filed patents for systems and methods related to generating and publishing indicators of review reliability, supporting user engagement in consumer activities, picking-up and delivering products efficiently, providing personal shopping assistance, and assessing personal preferences through engaging games. GlobalData’s report on Transform SR Brands gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Transform SR Brands had no grants in ecommerce as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Method and system for determining level of influence in a social e-commerce environment (Patent ID: US20240212007A1)

The patent filed by Transform SR Brands LLC describes a system and method for generating and publishing indicators or scores that represent the influence, reliability, and trustworthiness of reviews and other forms of commentary based on user actions in a social e-commerce environment. The method involves monitoring user actions, displaying levels of influence on mobile devices, generating incentives for users to increase their influence, and reducing influence based on activity and inactivity within the application. The system also includes features such as accessing user information through APIs, displaying influence trends graphically, and enabling users to increase their influence through various activities like submitting comments, making purchases, and sharing media submissions.

Furthermore, the method involves identifying users with the highest level of influence, displaying numeric values or graphical depictions of influence levels on the GUI, and allowing users to indicate helpfulness of media submissions to increase influence. Users can also be categorized as experts in specific areas, and the system can generate influence levels for one user based on another user's influence level. Additionally, the system allows for the representation of influence levels visually on web pages, sending media submissions with associated influence indicators for display, and is designed for users within an online social network sponsored by a provider of retail products and services.

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