First came cereal beer, now there’s Leaf Jerky, what will cereal producer Kellogg’s do next?

With the launch of Leaf Jerky, a sustainable vegan alternative to beef jerky (which is currently available in the US), Kellogg’s is hoping to encourage sales growth in this product line in an attempt to diversify its product portfolio.

The plant-based offering is made from soy extract to mimic the textural experience of meat and comes in sea salt and cracked black pepper flavouring, with a wider range coming soon. The company says the recipe was formulated and pitched to Kellogg’s by a customer, Amy Shouldice.

It contains 11g of protein and only 80 calories, making it healthier than its meaty counterpart. Whilst vegan jerky is not a new concept, its championing by Kellogg’s will help bring it into the mainstream while offering Kellogg’s a new lease of life.

The snack aims to give consumers a savoury and protein-based offering that will appeal to those looking for healthier snacking options.

GlobalData’s survey Q3 2018 shows that 59% of consumers globally determine where to buy groceries based on the availability of healthy and nutritious products.

Kellogg’s has also been careful to release an environmentally friendly product too, which means it will appeal not just to diet-specific consumers but to green consumers who want to lower their carbon footprint.

This release is reminiscent of Kellogg’s collaboration with Seven Bro7hers Brewery, announced in June, to bring to market cereal-based brews including a range of ales, stouts and beers made from Rice Krispies and Coco Pops wasted grains.

Venturing into plant-based snacks is a great move by Kellogg’s, which in recent months has been selling off its cookie and fruit snack brands due to losses.

Its recent product launches are based on healthier products and products that help to reduce environmental impact – both trends are here for the long run.

These innovations will pave the way for competing brands and management at Kellogg’s will be hoping the company can now move on a steady path into the future.


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