On 3 June 2024, it was announced that the European Union had decided to ban eight smoke flavourings used in crisps, meats, cheeses, fish and sauces from its market.

The decision was taken after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) found the artificial flavourings used to give smoky flavours could be a potential health hazard. Specifically, the EFSA found that the “liquid smoke” (produced by removing harmful elements from smoke such as ash and tar) had toxic properties that could increase the risk of developing numerous conditions including cancer.

Improving the healthiness of consumer goods can be understood as part of the “clean label” theme. This refers to an easier-to-understand, more consumer-friendly label with products comprised of natural, more healthy ingredients and fewer additives and artificial chemicals, as well as sustainable and ethical sourcing and production.

The EU’s decision to ban toxic smoke flavourings can be understood as part of a broader regulatory push to improve the health and safety of goods being sold in the EU market. For example, in July 2023, the EU published legislative amendments that added 56 new substances to the list of allergens that must be declared when present at or above specified concentrations in cosmetic products. The new substances are mostly fragrances. They are widely used in perfumes, but also in detergents and other household products. The transition period is three years for new cosmetics entering the EU market (31 July 2026), and five years for cosmetics already in the EU market (31 July 2028).

31% of European consumers put smoky among the most appealing flavours

European consumers care about the impact of consumer goods on their minds and bodies. According to GlobalData’s Q1 2024 consumer survey, the impact of food and beverage products on health and wellbeing always influences the purchasing choices of 28% of European consumers, and often influences the purchasing choices of 30%. In this respect, the EU’s decision is in harmony with the desires of its consumers. However, smoky flavours are also popular among those consumers. According to GlobalData’s Q1 2024 consumer survey, 31% of European consumers put smoky among the five flavours they find most appealing in cheese products (below salty and creamy), while 29.9% put smoky among the five flavours they find most appealing in savoury snacks (below salty and cheesy). 32.6% identified barbeque sauce, which sometimes contains liquid smoke, as their favourite condiment,. The race is on among manufacturers to find healthier alternative smoky flavourings.