While Valentine’s Day is known as the time of year when couples show their love by buying chocolates and flowers, this February is set to see some surprising turns as brands capitalise on the ‘unconventional’ to steal the hearts of consumers. As much as some might laugh at heart-shaped chicken nuggets at Aldi or ‘romantic’ dog treats from Snacks at Franks subscription service, consumers enjoy quirky flavors and products that create an experience.
55% of consumers say they like to try the newest flavors and fragrances as soon as they come out (GlobalData Global Consumer Survey 2019 Q4). This statistic jumps to 64% when analysing specifically millennials in the same survey.
Brands are competitive in this busy space and so they not only offering the consumer a product, but also a community, identity and experience. These are multi-service products that consumers can associate with different times in their lives.
Take Blockhead chewing gum. The edgy gum brand is launching a ‘screwing gum’ in February, which promotes itself as an aphrodisiac, just in time for Valentine’s Day. No longer is it enough to provide tasty chewing gum that might freshen your breath. Instead, Blockhead chewing gum is the gum for millennials with over the top marketing and packaging, cheeky innuendos, ‘instagrammability’ and of course, a multi-purpose product.
Blockhead chewing gum has done well to tap consumers’ desire for both new experiences and new products. In 2018, GlobalData asked respondents globally whether they preferred trying new experiences or trying new products. It was a 50/50 split (GlobalData Global Consumer Survey 2018 Q3).
In 2020, it’s not enough to do one or the other; brands need to be offering the experience that goes along with their product, as well as a unique offering. If you’re alone on Valentines’ Day, not to worry because you can indulge in lyrically themed indulgent pudding or monogamous chocolate lobsters while watching a rom-com on the couch.