The brand new location can be found in Bakers Square Shopping Center at 2920 Roberts Ave.
All concept stores in the company’s portfolio feature an upgraded shopping experience, which showcases the company’s new look, and incorporates interactive areas designed to help shoppers improve their technology profile. Some features include:
- A speaker wall where customers can shop and compare 13 different speakers using music installed on in-store tablets or played from their own Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices;
- Interactive displays that enable shoppers to find and compare products, including headphone demo stations where they can listen to leading brands like SOL REPUBLIC, Skullcandy and Beats by Dr. Dre; a remote control (RC) toy exploration center; and a GoPro camera display demonstrating the capabilities of several models of GoPro cameras;
- Technology that makes shopping interesting and playful, like touchscreens and apps that help shoppers understand the benefits of products;
- Newly configured displays highlighting in-demand brands like Apple, HTC and Samsung, as well as mobile carriers such as AT&T, Sprint and Verizon;
- Helpful, informative RadioShack staff who can answer shoppers’ questions about hundreds of products and services, and direct customers to the items that meet their specific needs; and
- A Do-It-Yourself area where consumers can plan projects.
RadioShack is opening a select number of these highly experiential stores in neighborhoods throughout the nation. The Philadelphia location is the seventh concept store to open since the company began converting to the new format this summer. These new stores reflect the company’s strides towards reinvigorating its stores, revamping its product assortment and repositioning the brand. By the end of 2013, RadioShack will have more than 100 concept and brand statement stores open and will have made improvements to nearly all 4,300 stores throughout the nation.
Neighbors are invited to come see the newer, brighter RadioShack and pick up an instant savings coupon good for $10 off any $40 qualifying purchase while supplies last or check into the store on Foursquare to claim the deal for a limited time.