82% of global consumers claim to own a smartphone and use it daily, according to GlobalData’s 2018 Q4 Global Consumer survey. Such high adoption presents brands with abundant opportunities for online sales and exposure to new consumers. Yet in spite of the opportunities, just 38% of global consumers say they make purchases online via their smartphone. This implies that brands are not using their online presence optimally.

Mobile phone shopping trends

Brands must target younger consumers through segmented online marketing as smartphone usage and interactions via smartphone-based social media is typically most popular amongst teenagers and young adults.

According to GlobalData’s 2018 Q4 global consumer survey, more global consumers aged 18 to 44 say they are more likely to make purchases via their smartphones compared to older age groups – so brands must be sure to integrate carefully tailored products and services with relevant online platforms.

Global consumers: What do/would you typically use your smartphone for? “Making purchases”

Source: GlobalData 2018 Q4 global consumer survey